Κυριακή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2016


It might seem like a trivial subject, but socks say a lot about you

Men's Health By Men's Health Posted on January 14, 2016 ShareTweetShareToggle

There are two types of men in this world: those who know socks are important and those who are just plainly and simply, wrong.

How wrong? That’s a question of degrees.

For instance the person who plucks any pair from the drawer because “they’ll do,” isn’t quite as bad as the one buying all their socks in a single colour so they’ll “always have a pair.” If you fall between either of these extremes, then you need to … well, pull your socks up. Socks are a mark of a man. A subtle beacon broadcasting subliminal messages - clothes may ‘maketh the man’, but socks reveal if mum still buys his undies.

So here’s our guide to exactly what you need to consider to improve your foot couture.

Matching Your Socks to Your Shoes - NO

“No. Never,” Henry Powell, founder of sock subscription service Henry J Socks, says.

Matching the colour of your socks to the colour of your shoes creates a kind of weird ‘bootee’ look which is just wrong. Why would you want to make your shoes look taller than they are? It also has the effect of shortening the legs and making you seem a bit stumpy. If you’re already on the short-side it’s not going to do you any favours at all.”

Matching Your Socks to Your Trousers - YES

Now you’re talking. As Henry says: “This is the traditional way to wear socks and there are real benefits in terms of how it makes you look. By matching your socks to your trousers you’re actually giving the impression of elongating your legs – which is better than elongating your shoes. You’re also defining the topline of your shoe, which brings a real sense of style.” Unless of course, your shoes are rubbish.

He adds: “You don’t have to go for the exact same shade as your trousers. A shade up or down is fine. If you want to make a statement, then great - go for a patterned pair. Just make sure the dominant shade still works with your pants.”

Matching Your Socks to Your Shirt - NO

No. Don’t. Seriously. Why would you?

(Related: How to make a baggy shirt fit)

Matching Your Socks to a Sweater - NO

Unless you’re the sort of person who co-ordinates his Homer Simpson jumper with his Homer Simpson socks, then you must never do this. And if you are that sort of person, you’re too busy shouting Paddy McGuinness catchphrases at workmates to care. Please know we fully support your beleaguered colleagues and their daily ritual of tea-bagging your ‘No Coffee No Workeee’ mug.

Matching Socks to Accessories – NOT SURE

The jury is split on this one. Traditionalists say socks shouldn’t be an accent colour, but the classic British country gent look relies on tying together accessories such as socks and ties with a big fat bundle of tweed. “You can do it,” says Henry, “just keep it muted and use tasteful neutrals and earthy shades. Use patterns, maybe an Argyll, just be aware of the dominant shade.”

(Related: The MH guide to trouser fit)

Top 6 definite no-nos for the gentleman sock wearer

1. White socks and shoes. Never. Ever. Ever. Not even if you work for CID.

2. Socks and Sandals. Are you a primary-aged schoolgirl? No? Then stop it.

3. Socks and Crocs? Don’t care. Just go away. And take those stupid rubber things with you.

4. Boat shoes, espadrilles – if you’re canny, you can get away with secret socks. But officially – no socks.

5. Training shoes – secret socks only. Black or white depending on the colour of your footwear. You can get away with white ankle socks if you have to. But never knee-length unless you want to look like a geriatric who got lost looking for the tennis court. Never ever, ever, under any circumstances wear non-sports socks with trainers.

6. Novelty socks? That way lies madness. Bin them and cut the person who bought them for you out of your life.



15 Quick Fashion Tips for Men

15 Quick Fashion Tips for Men
by Jeremy Reeves
I’m sitting here enjoying a hot cup tea, trying to get the creative juices flowing for this next article. Since everyone loves top lists, I thought I’d give you guys something you probably don’t see too often, a quick list of some practical fashion tips.

Here are 15 Quick Fashion tips:

1. Fit is King – The most dramatic improvement you can make in your style is to make sure everything fits impeccably. Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Make sure everything you wear is almost hugging the shape of your body – without being tight. Bad fit is an epidemic. The Kinowear Bible shows you how to avoid the “bad fit disease”.

2. Keep it simple – You want a wardrobe that looks great on you, but don’t overdo it. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors. Don’t dress like a rock star unless you’re in a band. If you want to be flashy, a simpler but stylish look would be sporting a black striped dress shirt with a white blazer, a dark pair of jeans, a dressy belt, and your sharpest dress shoes. You could also add a flashy watch or a simple accessory like an interesting necklace, but nothing more. Check out out our article on basics to refresh yourself on what are essential wardrobe items.

3. Change the way you see casual – casual doesn’t have to be boring. Have fun with collared shirts, or take some inspiration from those who approach casual a bit differently.

4. Pay attention to your supporting pieces – Some sweaters are lean and others are big and chunky. The first rule of thumb is that your top and bottom halves need to match. If you’re wearing a big, chunky, rugged fisherman knit sweater, your bottom needs to be rugged, too. Don’t wear a fisherman’s sweater with a beautiful silk-and-wool suit pant. Instead, wear it with something as casual as cargos or jeans, or dress it up with a Harris tweed blazer.

5. Never go shopping alone – Most of the time, it’s tough to trust the sales people because they usually work for commission. Shop with a friend who will give you their honest opinion. Also, read about shopping on a budget.

6. Stay a notch above – Don’t overdo it to a fault, but dare to take some risks. It’s always better to be a little bit overdressed than underdressed in any setting. All you have to do is think about where and who you’re going to be with and just step it up one notch. But make sure you’re not better dressed than someone who is more important in a certain setting, like your boss. 7. Never underestimate the power of details – The last thing on is usually the first thing noticed. So mind the details instead of throwing together the main parts of your outfit. “Details” can include a scarf, a subtle pocket square, or the way you tie your tie knot.

8. Invest in a superb pair of shoes – If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes. Show that you’re a man of taste by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.

9. Fashion Tees with logos – When you’re going around with a big logo on your shirt, you risk looking like a walking billboard. Lose the lame Coca-Cola shirt and go for a classic v-neck tee or something artsy (check out threadless.com).

10. Disregard trends – Beware of buying something just because it’s “in” right now – stick to what you truly like. A lot of people rush to get in on the latest trend and end up with a bunch of clothes they don’t wear. It’s better to learn to build a versatile and timeless wardrobe first – then bring in your own twists with some of the new fashion. This one tip will save you so much money! Read up on our compiled list of 40 Common Men’s Fashion Mistakes for extra info.

11. Don’t be a sucker for brand names – Don’t be a Patrick Bateman. Before you decide to purchase an item, ask yourself if you are buying it simply because of the brand name or because you love the quality and style. Ask yourself,  “Would I buy this if there was no logo on it?” Check out our article on how to look designer for less.

12. Continually cultivate your image – Invest more time and money into your image. Cultivate your fashion sense. Your style is a huge mode of communication, and is worth caring for as much as your education, career, and relationships. Sign up for our free crash course on knowing your own style. Oscar Schoffler, longtime fashion editor of Esquire once said, “Never underestimate the power of what you wear. After all, there’s just a small bit of yourself sticking out at the collar and cuff. The rest of the world sees what you drape on your frame.”

13. Ask for real feedback – Most of your friends and family aren’t going to go out of their way to tell you what looks bad. You have to ask for it. In fact, ask anyone and everyone you trust to tell you the truth. Ask your hairstylist, ask your best friend, ask your mother!

14. Upgrade your shave – Even if your fashion is golden, an unkempt beard can be an attraction killer. Achieve a perfect shave by trying a shave brush & old-fashioned double-edged razor.

15. Experiment with style – The only way you’ll really learn, is if you go out there and try new things. I make an effort to try something completely out of my comfort zone whenever I’m at a store – many times you’ll end up loving something you never thought you would. If you make mistakes, life goes on. So many guys are afraid to express themselves through their style, don’t be one of them. Check out our article on how to put an outfit together.

- See more at: http://www.kinowear.com/15-quick-fashion-tips-for-men/#sthash.OIMuyaw4.dpuf

